Information about Droneros

How it works

Are you Dronero?
It's simple: Publish in the SERVICES category the commercial activity you carry out with your drones. Including good images and videos of your work you will conquer more clients!
Oh, and don't forget to configure the zone in which you operate with your drones! Our coverage will grow day by day!
Posts are totally FREE!

Looking for a drone in your area?
You do not need to register, you can simply use the search on the top bar, or navigate the Map mode. Don't forget to use the filters which are very useful to help you find what you need.

Do you want to sell your drone?
From March 2022 we have made available the 'Sale' category where you can publish the drones you want to sell.
(Parts publications are not allowed, only complete equipment)

Do you have a project?
do you need drones? for example spraying a field or filming an event from the air? Post for free in the PROJECTS category, so the drones that we are able to cover your needs will contact you with the different proposals and you decide!

Are you organizing an event related to drones?
Post for free in the EVENTS category

Do you want to collaborate with the maintenance of the site?
You can invite me a coffee with mercadopago:

Greetings and good flight!
Adrian Brun